
Blowing winds, driving a boat - blowing in South Kurzeme!

In the place where eight counties are united - Latvia begins. It is a place where the winds of the waves, breaking the waves on the coast, forests, trails and paths lead in the mountains and hills. It is a place where rivers meander, revealing the secrets of the Vikings and the course of the Curonians, about painting bright brunches in devil-colored pots. Why are those big stones thrown away? All this can be learned and learned in South Kurzeme. Here the wives resonate with the long "ea" from the hills, here the men smoke fish according to the traditions of their grandfathers, but on the table they put delicious, freshly baked bread and white butter. You will probably find out here why those people of Kurzeme are so dull that they have “flown” from the church roofs and taken the underground passages from the castles to the church and the pub! In the cities and farmsteads, the slightly harsh but sincere inhabitants of South Kurzeme will tell their stories. Mystical, undiscovered and different - this is South Kurzeme!

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